Find Out What’s Happening in the

Heritage Area



Find out what’s happening in the Heritage Area.

Col. John Robinson Day at the Westford Museum

Westford Historical Society & Museum 2 Boston Road, Westford, MA, United States

Experience the aspects of everyday life in Colonial Westford through Woodworking, spinning, chocolate and more! Westford 250-In 2025 the nation will commemorate the 250th anniversary of the start of the […]


Patriots’ Day Spirit at the Faulkner Homestead

Faulkner Homestead 5 High Street, Acton, MA, United States

Travel back in time from 1 to 3:30 p.m. to learn why we celebrate Patriots’ Day in Acton as the start of both the Revolutionary and Civil Wars.  What better […]


Lincoln Salute

Pierce Park 17 Weston Road, Lincoln, MA, United States

The Lincoln Salute:  The Lincoln Minute Men host this event, featuring some of the finest fife & drum groups from near and far in Pierce Park. Bring a blanket and […]

Time to Celebrate Ellen!

Concord Armory 91 Everett Street, Concord, MA, United States

Ellen Garrison Day in Concord! Come join us and celebrate and afternoon of words, music, art and song as we Stand up for Ellen on the anniversary of her birth […]


Robbins’ Ride Reenactment

Acton, MA Acton, MA, United States

Join the Acton Minutemen as they commemorate the heroic ride of the thirteen year old son of Captain Joseph Robbins, one of Acton’s militia leaders, in the early morning hours […]


Lincoln Alarm & Muster

Pierce House 17 Weston Road, Lincoln, United States

The Lincoln Minute Men re-enact the scene on the town common in the early hours of April 19, 1775, as minute men and their families responded to the alarm that […]


Paul Revere’s Ride Reenactment

Hancock-Clarke House 36 Hancock Street, Lexington, MA, United States

Lexington was preparing for battle long before British soldiers arrived on April 19th, 1775. Paul Revere and William Dawes, fellow Sons of Liberty, rode hard from Boston, arriving in town […]


Stow Minutemen Trail March to Concord

Stow Lower Common Gardner Street, Stow, MA, United States

The Stow Minuteman Company will once again march along the 9.5 mile route taken by the Stow colonial militia in April of 1775 upon hearing the news that the British […]


Col. John Robinson Trail March

Westford Town Common Lincoln Street, Westford, United States

The Westford Colonial Minutemen invite everyone to make the march with us this coming Patriots' Day (Monday, April 15th) to help commemorate the march of 1775. We will meet at […]


Patriots’ Day in Lexington

Lexington Visitors Center 1875 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, MA, United States

Monday, April 15th Time Event Event Details 5:05 AM Captain Parker orders Lt. Tidd to drill some of the company: According to historical records, Lieutenant William Tidd typically drilled the […]