Find Out What’s Happening in the

Heritage Area



Find out what’s happening in the Heritage Area.


Woburn’s Road to Revolution

Woburn Public Library 45 Pleasant Street, Woburn, MA, United States

Through short scenes acted out by costumed living history interpreters and narrators, "Woburn's Road to Revolution" will tell the history of Woburn's Battle March Road and some of the stories […]


B is for Birds: ‘Breakfast or Brunch’

Heald Orchard Heald St, Pepperell, MA, United States

For the 'early birds', Breakfast with the Birds will start at 6:30 AM and run until about 10:30 AM. Meet at Heald Street Orchard where 52 species have been seen […]


An Afternoon with Henry David Thoreau

Thoreau Farm 341 Virginia Road, Concord, MA, United States

Step back in time to 1858 and spend some time with the famed 19th-Century writer and naturalist Henry David Thoreau! Mr. Thoreau (portrayed by Historian Richard Smith) will read selections […]


Tour the New Town Center

Boxborough Town Hall 29 Middle Road, Boxborough, MA, United States

Visit the exteriors of eight historic buildings, collectively the "New Town Center" of the town of Boxborough, Massachusetts on a guided walking tour. The structures represent the period from ca.1790 […]


Central Mass Railroad to Central Mass Rail Trail

Holder Memorial 210 Church Street, Clinton, MA, United States

This is a two part program including the history of the short-lived Central Mass Railroad that ran from North Station in Boston to Northampton and also about how communities all […]


The Artist and the Orchard: A Memoir by Linda Hoffman

Lawrence Library 15 Main Street, Pepperell, MA, United States

Join us for an evening with artist, orchardist, and writer Linda Hoffman. Linda saved an orchard and reshaped her life at Old Frog Pond Farm in Harvard, Massachusetts. When she […]


Lexington Fairy Homes & Gardens Tour

Munroe Center for the Arts 1403 Massachusetts Ave, Lexington, MA, United States

In preparation for the Lexington Fairy Homes and Gardens Tour, you’re invited to a rock and blues band concert in the back field at the Munroe Center for the Arts […]


Biodiversity Thriving Amidst Glacial Remnants

Wharton Plantation Martins Pond Rd, Groton

Groton comprises an exuberance of glacier-created geologic features as well as an extraordinary biodiversity. This 4-mile hike will lead you to outcrops, eskers, kames, kettle holes and ponds, beaver ponds, […]


America at War: Ashby’s Contribution

Old Engine House 846 Main Street, Ashby, MA, United States

Visit the Old Engine House and view an exhibit of photos, ephemera and objects documenting Ashby's men and women who went to war from the Revolution to the Cold War. […]
