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American Independence & Innovation




J.V. Fletcher Library

50 Main Street, Westford, MA

The Westford Library originated in 1797 as a subscription “Social Library” by twenty-five citizens “willing to promote literature and useful knowledge among ourselves and our families,” with shares costing two dollars each. When the Massachusetts law authorizing towns to maintain a public library passed in 1851, the Social Library donated their collection of 1,300 volumes to the Town. Several conditions were attached to the donation, including the town must expend not less than $30 annually, it must furnish and maintain a suitable room in the middle of Westford, and a suitable librarian must keep charge of the library. From 1859 to 1871 the library was kept in the homes of the librarians.

With the completion of the new Town Hall building in 1871, the library was given a room near the entrance. By 1895 the room had become crowded, and the Trustees found their space needs answered when Westford native Jonathan Varnum Fletcher, now a resident of Belmont, donated $14,000 towards a library building with the town adding $5,000. Dedicated on June 4, 1896, the new library was named J. V. Fletcher Library in honor of its benefactor.

In 1908 the Children’s Department was established “to encourage the children to make more use of the library.” Story Hour and a Children’s Reading Program began in 1960. Ms. Marian Winnek, great-granddaughter of J. V. Fletcher, donated funds for a Children’s Room in 1963 and basement space was renovated for this purpose. In 1968–1969 extensive renovations were made, along with a small addition to the basement that expanded the Children’s Department.

From 1984 to 1989, the town appropriated monies for a library feasibility study, architectural drawings, land purchase (to the rear of the library building), and a $2.28 million bond issue for a renovation/addition project. A groundbreaking ceremony took place on April 5, 1987, with the new library dedicated on May 20, 1989.

It has been over thirty years since the library’s last expansion. As circulation and library attendance has continued to grow, planning has been undertaken for a new 21st Century library. The town is currently fifteenth on the waitlist for almost $8 million in grant funds to help realize this plan.

Photo courtesy of the Town of Westford