Join BBA for an hour of fun retelling the well-known story, The Gingerbread Man. We’ll read the story, make gingerbread people puppets, and then head out for a ramble in the woods in search of other characters from the story. Perfect for little legs and babies in backpacks.
This event is for the adventurous family who knows how to be outside in the winter. If you have questions about equipment and clothing our BBA educator can help you.
Cost: $20 per family; Must register all attending children
Members: Please remember to use your discount code at checkout!
Sickness and COVID-19 Guidelines
The health and safety of staff and participants of Beaver Brook programs along with our larger community is our priority. To mitigate, but not eliminate, the risk of spreading illness and COVID-19 please follow these guidelines: • Vaccination: The CDC recommends that all eligible people get fully vaccinated against COVID-19. • Stay Home if Sick: Please do not participate in our programs if the participant has ANY signs of illness including those associated with COVID-19. Participants must stay home until symptoms subside and they are fever free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication. Please remember that the act of coming to our programs is your attestation that you are feeling well and have no signs or symptoms of COVID-19.
• Sick and Exposure Guidelines: At the sign of ANY sickness and or exposure to COVID-19 please follow CDC guidelines for testing, isolation, and quarantine guidance.
Thank you for your support and understanding. Please reach out with questions
Class Requirements
sturdy baby/toddler backpack or carrier
winter coats or snowsuits, hats, gloves, and warm boots
Water and Food as you might need for your family
Other Things To Know
Adult Participation Required.