Join us as we celebrate the return of Connecting Communities: Walks & Talks after a two-year hiatus! This year’s series titled “Operation Pollination” focuses on native pollination systems specific to the Heritage Area, highlighting the work of our partners while sharing ways in which you can help these systems thrive.
As we await Spring’s return and the buzz of pollinator activity, we’ll kick-off the program on Wednesday, March 1st with a mini-series of webinars providing participants with a foundational understanding of the topic. Programs are free and open to the public—click here to register.
Pollinators and other beneficial insects are experiencing drastic and widespread declines. The number of species documented as threatened or endangered continues to grow making pollinator conservation a national priority. Producers and forest landowners in New England can play an important role in protecting pollinators and beneficial insects, and the services they provide to our working lands, natural areas, and communities.
Join the Xerces Society’s Kelly Gill to learn how you can support pollinators on farms, grazing lands, forests, gardens, local landscapes by enhancing habitat, reducing pesticide risk, and improving agricultural biodiversity and USDA-NRCS programs that offer technical and financial assistance for implementing conservation practices for pollinators and other natural resources.
Topics covered in Kelly’s talk will include:
• Overview of pollinator biology and habitat needs
• Planning, designing, and creating pollinator habitat
• Evaluating site characteristics and existing habitat features
• Protecting pollinators from pesticide exposure and habitat contamination
• Examples of habitat practices including wildflower meadows, flowering hedgerows, riparian buffers, field and forest borders, insectary strips, and gardens.
• Reducing harm from land management activities
• USDA-NRCS technical and financial assistance programs and practices for pollinators
• Other opportunities to get involved
• Helpful resources and tools pollinator conservation in your region