Join us as we celebrate the return of Freedom’s Way National Heritage Area’s Connecting Communities: Walks & Talks program after a two-year hiatus! This year’s series titled “Operation Pollination” focuses on native pollination systems specific to the Heritage Area, highlighting the work of our partners while sharing ways in which you can help these systems thrive.
Did you know that cities are teeming with biodiversity? Insect pollinators like bees, butterflies, and beetles thrive in the city and help to sustain our local food systems and ecosystems. Come explore the flower gardens at Tufts University to learn how ecologically minded garden design can benefit both people and pollinators in the city. Guided by Tufts Pollinator Initiative experts, we’ll spy charismatic animals like bumble bees, green metallic sweat bees, monarch butterflies, and more!
Two Pollinator Safaris led by trained TPI guides will be offered: 9:30-10:30 AM and 11:00 AM-12:00 PM. TPI guides will be available for a Q&A session 15 minutes afterwards. Each walk is FREE to attend, and registration is limited to 30 people per walk.
About: Tufts Pollinator Initiative works to build capacity for community-led urban pollinator conservation through habitat creation, nature education, and ecological research. Founded in 2019, TPI is run by enthusiastic Tufts University student scientists who are committed to raising awareness and inspiring support for pollinator conservation. Visit to learn more.
SPACE IS LIMITED; REGISTRATION REQUIRED! Please click here to register for either walk.